Facilitating Automated Compliance Checking in the Safety-critical Context


  • Julieth Patricia Castellanos Ardila Mälardalen University




In some safety-critical domains, the applicable safety standards prescribe a safety lifecycle and process-related requirements. Process plans in accordance with the prescribed requirements are essential pieces of evidence for compliance assessment with such standards. However, providing this evidence is time-consuming and prone-to-error since safety standards are large, natural language-based documents with hundreds of requirements. Besides, a company may have many safety-critical-related processes to be checked.

In this paper, we propose a novel approach that combines process modeling and compliance checking capabilities to provide the analysis required to conclude whether a process model corresponds to the model with compliant states. Hitherto, our proposed methodology has been evaluated with academic examples that show the potential benefits of its use.




How to Cite

J. P. Castellanos Ardila, “Facilitating Automated Compliance Checking in the Safety-critical Context”, eceasst, vol. 78, Dec. 2019.