About the Journal

Electronic Communications of the EASST (ISSN 1863-2122) is a peer-reviewed, scientific and open access journal established in 2006.

ECEASST is indexed in Scopus and DBLP, and listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Aims of this journal

ECEASST is a fully refereed journal and provides a forum for practitioners, educators and researchers for disseminating innovative research in the area of software and system technology. The journal is intended as a medium which rapidly publishes conference and workshop proceedings, provided that all contributions are original and peer reviewed. ECEASST is an open access online journal, that is, it provides unlimited access to all contributions which are published electronically only. In this way, ECEASST provides full-text access to all papers and supports the provision of fast and broad feedback to published work.

Scope of this journal

The scope of ECEASST is Software Science and Technology as in EASST (European Association of Software Science and Technology), which includes all aspects related to the systematic and rigorous engineering of software and systems. This journal is meant to present primary results achieved in this field. Being primarily a medium for publishing proceedings of conferences and workshops on EASST-related topics, such as the satellite events of ETAPS and further EASST-supported conferences, this journal is also open to publish special issues devoted to related topics. ECEASST volumes are published once ready, on average 4-5 times per year.

Open Access Policy

ECEASST provides immediate and unlimited open access to all published articles, ensuring that research is freely accessible to readers worldwide upon publication. All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, allowing unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Authors retain copyright to their work, with the flexibility to easily transfer it as needed.

ECEASST operates on a no-cost model for authors, imposing no article processing charges (APCs) or other fees.

Guest Editors

You are chairing a conference or workshop and want to publish the proceedings in ECEASST? Please contact us by email to info@eceasst.org. Please explain your ideas and send the Call for Papers for your event including information about the subject, kind of submissions, review process, program committee, and time schedule. Note that we require our guest editors to conform to the guideline for editors that has been developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


To submit a contribution please register and log in. The contribution you may want to submit has to satisfy certain standards: The submission has not been previously published (unless as preprint), nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). The submission file must be a PDF created using the ECEASST templates. Please note that ECEASST publishes only special issues devoted to specific scientific events or topics, and does not handle individual submissions.

Publication ethics statement

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is therefore important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the authors, the managing and the guest editors, the peer reviewers, and the society of EASST.

ECEASST recognises its responsibilities and conforms to the guidelines (see here) of  the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), a charitable organization that provides a forum for scientific journal editors and publishers to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work submitted to or published in their journals.

Authors are expected to follow established standards and practices of good scientific practice (concretely the DFG's Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice) and adhere to the publisher's guidelines for dealing with artificial intelligence (key points: AI cannot assume authorship, the use of AI tools must be described transparently, and authors are responsible for their submitted work).