More on Graph Rewriting With Contextual Refinement


  • Berthold Hoffmann Universität Bremen



In GRGEN , a graph rewrite generator tool, rules have the outstanding
feature that variables in their pattern and replacement graphs may be refined with
meta-rules based on contextual hyperedge replacement grammars. A refined rule may
delete, copy, and transform subgraphs of unbounded size and of variable shape. In
this paper, we show that rules with contextual refinement can be transformed to stan-
dard graph rewrite rules that perform the refinement incrementally, and are applied
according to a strategy called residual rewriting. With this transformation, it is possi-
ble to state precisely whether refinements can be determined in finitely many steps or
not, and whether refinements are unique for every form of refined pattern or not.




How to Cite

B. Hoffmann, “More on Graph Rewriting With Contextual Refinement”, eceasst, vol. 71, Sep. 2015.