Lightweight Interaction Modeling in Evolutionary Prototyping


  • Anke Dittmar University of Rostock
  • Reik Schachtschneider



The paper discusses a systematic integration of evolutionary and exploratory prototyping of interactive systems by a lightweight use of formal methods. Formal models guide the development of the underdesigned evolutionary prototype. In combination with techniques from Design Rationale, they implement the
exploration and assessment of possible solutions to open design questions. Models and corresponding tool support are used to express design options and to make them more accessible to a broader audience by the creation of parallel model-guided throwaway extensions of the current evolutionary prototype. They are also used to describe design constraints (for example, in terms of tasks or in terms of actions on artifacts) and to assess design options against these criteria. The suggested approach is demonstrated through an example design scenario that shows an intertwining of different design activities and discusses the role of formal models. In particular, the scenario describes a coupling of HOPS models, QOC diagrams, and Java prototypes.




How to Cite

A. Dittmar and R. Schachtschneider, “Lightweight Interaction Modeling in Evolutionary Prototyping”, eceasst, vol. 69, Oct. 2014.