Measuring Copying of Java Archives


  • Tetsuya Kanda
  • Daniel German
  • Takashi Ishio
  • Katsuro Inoue



Copying the whole of a library is one of the major types of reuse in software development.
In Java, a single library archive file often contains other libraries it depends on,
but users of the library hardly know about such inner libraries.
Since reusing libraries is a black-box method, developers may combine some libraries
without knowing that those libraries contain the same library inside independently.
As a result, a library may contain inside several copies of a library it reuses.
In this research, we measured copying of jar archives in the Maven Central Repository, a collection of open source Java libraries.
Our results show that about 14% of top-level jar files are reused in other jar files
and some of them are duplicated in a single jar file.
We also found that some libraries contain two or more different versions of the same library.




How to Cite

T. Kanda, D. German, T. Ishio, and K. Inoue, “Measuring Copying of Java Archives”, eceasst, vol. 63, Mar. 2014.