Railway modelling in CSP||B: the double junction case study


  • Markus Roggenbach
  • Faron Moller
  • Steve Schneider
  • Helen Treharne
  • Hoang Nguyen




This paper reports on recent work in verifying railway systems through CSP||B modelling and analysis. Our motivation is to develop a modelling and verification approach accessible to railway engineers: it is vital that they can validate the models and verification conditions, and - in the case of design errors - obtain comprehendable feedback. In this paper we run through a full production cycle on a real double junction case study, supplied by our industrial partner, who contributed at every stage. As our formalization is, by design, near to their way of thinking, they are comfortable with it and trust it. Without putting much effort on optimization for verification, the scale of the models analyzed is comparable with the work of other groups.




How to Cite

M. Roggenbach, F. Moller, S. Schneider, H. Treharne, and H. Nguyen, “Railway modelling in CSP||B: the double junction case study”, eceasst, vol. 53, Dec. 2012.