Inter-Modelling with Graphical Constraints: Foundations and Applications


  • Juan de Lara Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • Esther Guerra Universidad Autonoma de Madrid



Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) promotes an active use of models in the different phases of the development, so that the construction of systems usually involves a number of models expressed in different languages and levels of abstraction; therefore, there is the constant need to compare, generate and update models and their relations.

We call inter-modelling to the activity of building models that describe how modelling languages should be related. This includes many MDE activities like the specification of model-to-model transformations, the definition of model matching and traceability constraints, and the development of inter-model consistency mantainers. While most approaches build different operational programs to handle each activity separately, we propose using a high-level specification language called PaMoMo to specify inter-models in a declarative, graphical, bidirectional way. This specification can be compiled into operational mechanisms to solve different inter-modelling activities like transformation, model comparison and traceability support. Other usage scenarios for PaMoMo are the specification of transformation contracts and the automated testing of transformations.




How to Cite

J. de Lara and E. Guerra, “Inter-Modelling with Graphical Constraints: Foundations and Applications”, eceasst, vol. 47, Jul. 2012.