A hybrid approach for multi-view modeling


  • Antonio Cicchetti Mälardalen University
  • Federico Ciccozzi Mälardalen University
  • Thomas Leveque Orange Labs




Multi-view modeling is a widely accepted technique to reduce the complexity in the development of modern software systems. It allows developers to focus on a narrowed portion of the specification dealing with a selected aspect of the problem. However, multi-view modeling support discloses a number of issues: on the one hand consistency management very often has to cope with semantics interconnections between the different concerns. On the other hand, providing a predefined set of views usually results as too restrictive because of expressiveness and customization needs. This paper proposes a hybrid solution for multi-view modeling based on an arbitrary number of custom views defined on top of an underlying modeling language. The aim is to benefit from the consistency by-construction granted by well-defined views while at the same time providing malleable perspectives through which the system under development can be specified.




How to Cite

A. Cicchetti, F. Ciccozzi, and T. Leveque, “A hybrid approach for multi-view modeling”, ECEASST, vol. 50, Jul. 2012.