Recent Advances in Multi-Paradigm Modeling


  • Vasco Amaral Research Center CITI and FCT at Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Cécile Hardebolle Computer Science department of Supélec
  • Hans Vangheluwe McGill University, Canada University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • László Lengyel Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Peter Bunus



Following the trend of other editions, it was held this year (2011) in Wellington, New Zealand, the 5th International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modelling: Concepts and Tools (MPM). Once again has been a satellite event of the International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS). It aims at further the state-of-the-art as well as to define future directions of this emerging research area by bringing together world experts in the field for an intense one-day workshop. This paper summarizes the results of this year's event.




How to Cite

V. Amaral, C. Hardebolle, H. Vangheluwe, L. Lengyel, and P. Bunus, “Recent Advances in Multi-Paradigm Modeling”, ECEASST, vol. 50, Sep. 2012.