MySQL4OCL: A Stored Procedure-Based MySQL Code Generator for OCL


  • Marina Egea
  • Carolina Dania
  • Manuel Clavel



In this paper we introduce a MySQL code generator for a significant subset of OCL expressions which is based on the use of stored procedures for mapping OCL iterators. Our code generator is defined recursively over the structure of OCL expressions. We discuss the class of OCL expressions covered by our definition (which includes, possibly nested, iterator expressions) as well as some extensions needed to cover the full OCL language. We also discuss the efficiency of the MySQL code produced by our code generator, and compare it with previous known results on evaluating OCL expressions on medium-large scenarios. We have implemented our code generator in the MySQL4OCL tool.




How to Cite

M. Egea, C. Dania, and M. Clavel, “MySQL4OCL: A Stored Procedure-Based MySQL Code Generator for OCL”, eceasst, vol. 36, Nov. 2010.