Integration of Ontological Scene Representation and Logic-Based Reasoning for Context-Aware Driver Assistance Systems


  • Simone Fuchs
  • Stefan Rass
  • Kyandoghere Kyamakya



Co-operative driver assistance systems share information about their surrounding with each other, thus enhancing their knowledge and their performance. For successful information exchange and interpretation, a common domain understanding is needed. This paper first presents an ontology-based context-model for driving scene description, including next to spatio-temporal components also additional context information like traffic signs, state of the driver and the own-vehicle. For traffic rules, we integrate the ontological scene description with a logic programming environment, to enable complex and powerful reasoning on the given information. The proposed ontology is discussed with respect to a set of validation criteria. For integration with logic programming a prototypical development of an overtaking assistant is shown to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach.




How to Cite

S. Fuchs, S. Rass, and K. Kyamakya, “Integration of Ontological Scene Representation and Logic-Based Reasoning for Context-Aware Driver Assistance Systems”, eceasst, vol. 11, Jun. 2008.