Object Oriented and Rule-based Design of Visual Languages using Tiger
In this paper we present the state-of-the-art of the TIGER environment for the generation of visual editor plug-ins in Eclipse, with the focus on its Designer component, a visual environment for object oriented and rule-based design of visual languages. Based on an alphabet for finite automata we show how a visual language can be designed by defining the abstract and concrete syntax of the visual language and syntax directed editing operations in the generated editor plug-in. For the graphical layout we use the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) of ECLIPSE which offers an efficient and standardized way for graphical layouting.Downloads
How to Cite
C. Ermel, K. Ehrig, G. Taentzer, and E. Weiss, “Object Oriented and Rule-based Design of Visual Languages using Tiger”, ECEASST, vol. 1, Jul. 2007.