Exogenous Model Merging by means of Model Management Operators


  • Artur Boronat




In Model-Driven Engineering, model merging plays a relevant role in the maintenance and evolution of model-based software. Depending on the amount of metamodels involved in a model merging process, we can classify model merging techniques in two categories: endogenous merging, when all the models to be merged conform to the same metamodel; and exogenous merging, when the models to be merged conform to different metamodels. MOMENT (MOdel manageMENT) is a framework that is integrated in the Eclipse platform, and provides a collection of generic set-oriented operators to manipulate MOF models, following the Model Management discipline. In this paper, we study how model transformations are useful in a model merging process and we provide a solution for both kinds of model merging by means of model management operators and the QVT Relations language.




How to Cite

A. Boronat, “Exogenous Model Merging by means of Model Management Operators”, eceasst, vol. 3, Feb. 2007.