library("RMySQL") mydb = dbConnect(MySQL(), user='root', password='', dbname='dic_bicho_openstack_gerrit_1739', host='localhost') # Evolution of Submitters query = "select concat(cast(year(submitted_on) as char), '-', cast(month(submitted_on) as char)) as date, count(distinct(submitted_by)) as submitters from issues group by year(submitted_on), month(submitted_on)" print(query) rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, query) data1 = fetch(rs, n=-1) plot(data1$submitters, xaxt="n", ylab="", xlab="", type="l") #axis(1, at=data1$submitters, labels=data1$date) # Evolution of code reviewers query = " select year(changed_on), month(changed_on), count(distinct(changed_by)) as reviewers from changes where field='CRVW' group by year(changed_on), month(changed_on)" rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, query) data2 = fetch(rs, n=-1) lines(data2$reviewers, col="red") # Evolution of core reviewers query =" select year(changed_on), month(changed_on), count(distinct(changed_by)) as core_reviewers from changes where field='CRVW' and new_value=2 or new_value=-2 group by year(changed_on), month(changed_on)" rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, query) data22 = fetch(rs, n=-1) lines(data22$core_reviewers, col="blue") #Longest current reviews waiting to be fixed query = "select distinct i.issue as review, i.summary as summary, timestampdiff (HOUR, t1.min_time, t1.max_time) as timeOpened from ( select c.issue_id as issue_id, min(c.changed_on) as min_time, max(c.changed_on) as max_time from changes c, issues i where c.issue_id = and (i.status='NEW' or i.status='WORKINPROGRESS') group by c.issue_id) t1, issues i where t1.issue_id = order by timeOpened desc limit 10;" rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, query) data3 = fetch(rs, n=-1) #time to review for those merged or abandoned query = "select timestampdiff (HOUR, t1.min_time, t1.max_time) as timeOpened from ( select c.issue_id as issue_id, min(c.changed_on) as min_time, max(c.changed_on) as max_time from changes c, issues i where c.issue_id = and i.status='MERGED' group by c.issue_id) t1, issues i where t1.issue_id = order by timeOpened desc" rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, query) data4 = fetch(rs, n=-1) #d <- density(log(data4$timeOpened)) summary(data4$timeOpened) d <- density(log(data4$timeOpened)) #hist(data4$timeOpened, breaks=100) plot(d, main="", xlab="", ylab="") query = "select timestampdiff (HOUR, t1.min_time, t1.max_time) as timeOpened from ( select c.issue_id as issue_id, min(c.changed_on) as min_time, max(c.changed_on) as max_time from changes c, issues i where c.issue_id = and i.status='ABANDONED' group by c.issue_id) t1, issues i where t1.issue_id = order by timeOpened desc" rs = dbSendQuery(mydb, query) data4 = fetch(rs, n=-1) #d <- density(log(data4$timeOpened)) summary(data4$timeOpened) d <- density(log(data4$timeOpened)) #hist(data4$timeOpened, breaks=100) lines(d, col="red")